Friday, July 27, 2007

Case of Facebook Mistaken Identity

Hello Everyone,

While reading the paper this morning I came across an interesting article that I wanted to share. The article is entitled "Facebook user caught up in 'ghetto dude' backlash" and you can find it on the front page of today's Toronto Star. So, basically this Facebook user is being wrongly identified as the Ontario cabinet staffer who used the term "ghetto dude" in an e-mail and mistakenly sent it to the black job applicant to whom she was referring. The reason behind the confusion is the fact that the Facebook user and the Ontario cabinet staffer have the same name, Aileen Siu. The Facebook user is really getting her reputation dragged through the mud and she has done absolutely nothing wrong! How come people do not check their facts? The article noted that Aileen Siu (Facebook user) received more than 30 nasty e-mails and bloggers were posting her photo and personal profile lifted from Facebook. This is just ridiculous! Many people have the same name. If you do a search for my name there are about 10 pages of people. You do have to be careful what you choose to put online, but I don't see how Aileen Siu, the facebook user, could have avoided this mess, other than if she had never created an account at all. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Ug! That is exactly the type of thing you DON'T want to hear about Facebook! I'm surprised she wasn't able to block it.
I think I'd at least put up a message or status comment stating that I was not the same person. Hmmm...